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City Oasis

12.04.2023 — 14.04.2023

Artisti Selezionati

Piero Fogliati


Chiesa San Carlo al Lazzaretto Largo fra’ Paolo Bellintani 1 Milan

Piero Fogliati's fascination with the urbanized and technological world has always contrasted with his studies on the transformation of the environment and landscape. This reflection has given rise to the installation project conceived for the Church of San Carlo al Lazzaretto in Milan's vibrant Porta Venezia district. This project guides the viewer into a "poetry oasis" — a moment of escape from the city's chaotic environment and a total visual and acoustic immersion. It is a public project that complements the Fogliati retrospective City Poetry currently on display at the gallery. It welcomes visitors into a journey of four iconic works that set up the octagonal space of the church.

Foto di Sarah Indriolo