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Diana Orving


24.11.2022 — 24.02.2023

Tempesta Gallery is pleased to announce the artist's first solo exhibition in Italy on November 24, 2022.

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Friday
15:00 — 19:00


Foro Buonaparte 68 20121 Milan, MI

Photo by Sarah Indriolo

After years of exploring the infinite possibilities of textile materials as forms of art, Diana Orving takes her creative ingenuity a step further. In her new work, Becoming, for Galleria Tempesta, she has created a large suspended installation, a textile sculpture reminiscent of a placenta, the tree of life from which everything originates, embodying the bond between mother and child.

"I understand form through my hands and await the moment when feeling and thought intersect. I use form and movement to express and understand moods, relational dynamics, mental and physical processes. For me, art is a spiritual tool and a language that sometimes communicates on a deeper and more instinctive level than mere words." — Diana Orving

Works by Diana Orving (8)

Disappearence by Diana Orving


Disappearence, 2022

40 × 40 cm

Oil on cotton

Introspection by Diana Orving


Introspection, 2022

107 × 90 cm

Oil on cotton

Presence I by Diana Orving


Presence I, 2022

110 × 160 cm

Oil on fabric

Presence II by Diana Orving


Presence II, 2022

110 × 160 cm

Oil on fabric

Presence III by Diana Orving


Presence III, 2022

110 × 160 cm

Oil on fabric

Tremble by Diana Orving


Tremble, 2022

58 × 49 cm

Unseen by Diana Orving


Unseen, 2022


Vision by Diana Orving


Vision, 2022

30 × 24 cm

Oil on cotton


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