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Editions (Pistoletto + NM3)

23.02.2021 — 23.03.2021

The exhibition “EDITIONS (Pistoletto + NM3)” presents a dialogue between two artistic productions that differ in era and discipline, yet are united by a strict aesthetic of forms and materials.

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Friday
15:00 — 19:00


Foro Buonaparte 68 20121 Milan, MI

A selection of screen-printed mirrors, produced in editions between the 1960s and 1970s by Michelangelo Pistoletto, will engage in a dialogue with the reflections of steel objects, also produced in editions, by the Milan-based designers of NM3, a design studio founded by Delfino Sisto Legnani, Nicolò Ornaghi, and Francesco Zorzi. The exhibition's aesthetic stems from the ambiguity of forms and functions, with the mirror serving as a domestic yet ambivalent object, enriched by the artistic and literary precedents that have made the reflective surface an object of interest. Furthermore, the forms evoke canonical functions we associate with the domestic environment—such as a bookshelf or a coffee table—while simultaneously holding sculptural value in the tradition of minimalist sculpture from the late 20th century.


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